Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- v -
- vfsAllocateFile() : vfs.h
- vfsFreeFile() : vfs.h
- vfsFreeVnode() : vfs.h
- vfsGetNewVnode() : vfs.h
- vfsGetVnodeName() : vfs.h
- vfsIsLockedMnt() : vfs.h
- vfsIsOwnerVnode() : vfs.h
- vfsLockMnt() : vfs.h
- vfsLockVnode() : vfs.h
- vfsMount() : vfs.h
- vfsMountForPFS() : vfs.h
- vfsUmount() : vfs.h
- vfsUmountForPFS() : vfs.h
- vfsUnlockMnt() : vfs.h
- vfsUnlockVnode() : vfs.h
- VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ() : bt.h, types.h, udcd.h, usbd.h, types.h, usbd.h, appmgr.h, bt.h, npdrm.h, types.h, excpmgr.h, power.h, types.h, dipsw.h, sdstor.h, corelock.h, debug.h, sdstor.h, dmac.h, ctrl.h, exfatfs.h, coredump.h, ctrl.h, display.h, exfatfs.h, bt.h, exfatfs.h, sdstor.h, rtc.h, modulemgr.h, msif.h, processmgr.h, rtc.h, modulemgr.h, rtc.h, sysmem.h, threadmgr.h, iofilemgr.h, fios2.h, ctrl.h, display.h, fios2.h, jpegenc.h, threadmgr.h, iofilemgr.h, modulemgr.h, net.h, npdrm.h, net.h, threadmgr.h, vfs.h, usbd.h, vfs.h, usbd.h, vfs.h, udcd.h, types.h, udcd.h, vfs.h, udcd.h, usbd.h, vfs.h, types.h, vfs.h, ssmgr.h, proc_event.h, processmgr.h, sm_comm.h, ssmgr.h, proc_event.h, syscon.h, sysmem.h, address_space.h, heap.h, uid_class.h, modulemgr.h, intrmgr.h, iofilemgr.h, kbl.h, modulemgr.h, uid_class.h, modulemgr.h, pm_mgr.h, post_ss_mgr.h, utils.h, i2c.h, iftu.h, pfsmgr.h, post_ss_mgr.h, utils.h, post_ss_mgr.h, types.h, debugger.h, uid_guid.h, sysroot.h, systimer.h, debugger.h, excpmgr.h, fast_mutex.h, lw_cond.h, lw_mutex.h, msg_pipe.h, utils.h, gxm.h, gxt.h, hid.h, ime_dialog.h, gxm.h, fiber.h, fios2kernel.h, incoming_dialog.h, gxm.h, location.h, libime.h, libssl.h, location.h, libime.h, location.h, message_dialog.h, sysmem.h, jpeg.h, jpegenc.h, jpegencarm.h, clib.h, openpsid.h, dmac5.h, sysmem.h, msgpipe.h, rwlock.h, thread.h, libime.h, atrac.h, apputil.h, atrac.h, apputil.h, atrac.h, audiodec.h, appmgr.h, audiodec.h, apputil.h, common_dialog.h, avplayer.h, camera.h, common_dialog.h, avplayer.h, common_dialog.h, compat.h, dmac5.h, audioenc.h, audiodec.h, audioenc.h, ctrl.h, avplayer.h, shacccg.h, razor_hud.h, screenshot.h, shacccg.h, razor_hud.h, shacccg.h, sharedfb.h, shellutil.h, sqlite.h, sysmodule.h, touch.h, razor_hud.h, pvf.h, razor_hud.h, touch.h, razor_hud.h, videodec.h, videoexport.h, ctrl.h, usbd.h, triggerutil.h, udcd.h, update.h, usbaudioin.h, motion.h, usbd.h, ngs_internal.h, netctl.h, netcheck_dialog.h, netctl.h, ngs_internal.h, notificationutil.h, npdrmpackage.h, misc.h, net.h, message_dialog.h, motion.h, musicexport.h, http.h, pvf.h, net.h, pvf.h, pspnet_adhocctl.h, pss.h, pvf.h, misc.h, pvf.h, pgf.h, pspnet_adhocctl.h, misc.h, pgf.h, photoexport.h, promoterutil.h, pspnet_adhoc.h, pspnet_adhocctl.h
- vitasdk_delete_thread_reent() : utils.h
- vitasdk_get_pthread_data() : utils.h
- vitasdk_get_tls_data() : utils.h
- vshIdStorageIsDirty() : vshbridge.h
- vshIdStorageIsFormatted() : vshbridge.h
- vshIdStorageIsReadOnly() : vshbridge.h
- vshIdStorageReadLeaf() : vshbridge.h
- vshIdStorageWriteLeaf() : vshbridge.h
- vshIoUmount() : vshbridge.h
- vshMemoryCardGetCardInsertState() : vshbridge.h
- vshMsifGetMsInfo() : vshbridge.h
- vshRemovableMemoryGetCardInsertState() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsCEX() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsDEX() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsDolce() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsGenuineDolce() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsGenuineVITA() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsTest() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsTool() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblAimgrIsVITA() : vshbridge.h
- vshSblSsIsDevelopmentMode() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconHasWWAN() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIduModeClear() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIduModeSet() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIsDownLoaderMode() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIsIduMode() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIsMCEmuCapable() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconIsShowMode() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconShowModeClear() : vshbridge.h
- vshSysconShowModeSet() : vshbridge.h
- vsnprintf() : sysclib.h