![]() |
Documentation of the vitasdk
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Functions | |
int | sceKernelCreateCallback (const char *name, unsigned int attr, SceKernelCallbackFunction func, void *userData) |
Create callback. | |
int | sceKernelGetCallbackInfo (SceUID cb, SceKernelCallbackInfo *infop) |
Gets the status of a specified callback. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteCallback (SceUID cb) |
Delete a callback. | |
int | sceKernelNotifyCallback (SceUID cb, int arg2) |
Notify a callback. | |
int | sceKernelCancelCallback (SceUID cb) |
Cancel a callback ? | |
int | sceKernelGetCallbackCount (SceUID cb) |
Get the callback count. | |
int | sceKernelCheckCallback (void) |
Check callback ? | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateCond (const char *name, SceUInt attr, SceUID mutexId, const SceKernelCondOptParam *option) |
Creates a new condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteCond (SceUID condId) |
Destroy a condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelOpenCond (const char *name) |
Open a condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelCloseCond (SceUID condId) |
Close a condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelWaitCond (SceUID condId, unsigned int *timeout) |
Waits for a signal of a condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelWaitCondCB (SceUID condId, unsigned int *timeout) |
Waits for a signal of a condition variable (with callbacks) | |
int | sceKernelSignalCond (SceUID condId) |
Signals a condition variable. | |
int | sceKernelSignalCondAll (SceUID condId) |
Signals a condition variable to all threads waiting for it. | |
int | sceKernelSignalCondTo (SceUID condId, SceUID threadId) |
Signals a condition variable to a specific thread waiting for it. | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateEventFlag (const char *name, int attr, int bits, SceKernelEventFlagOptParam *opt) |
Create an event flag. | |
int | sceKernelSetEventFlag (SceUID evid, unsigned int bits) |
Set an event flag bit pattern. | |
int | sceKernelClearEventFlag (SceUID evid, unsigned int bits) |
Clear a event flag bit pattern. | |
int | sceKernelPollEventFlag (int evid, unsigned int bits, unsigned int wait, unsigned int *outBits) |
Poll an event flag for a given bit pattern. | |
int | sceKernelWaitEventFlag (int evid, unsigned int bits, unsigned int wait, unsigned int *outBits, SceUInt *timeout) |
Wait for an event flag for a given bit pattern. | |
int | sceKernelWaitEventFlagCB (int evid, unsigned int bits, unsigned int wait, unsigned int *outBits, SceUInt *timeout) |
Wait for an event flag for a given bit pattern with callback. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteEventFlag (int evid) |
Delete an event flag. | |
int | sceKernelGetEventFlagInfo (SceUID event, SceKernelEventFlagInfo *info) |
Get the status of an event flag. | |
int | sceKernelCreateLwCond (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork, const char *pName, unsigned int attr, SceKernelLwMutexWork *pLwMutex, const SceKernelLwCondOptParam *pOptParam) |
int | sceKernelDeleteLwCond (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork) |
int | sceKernelSignalLwCond (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork) |
int | sceKernelSignalLwCondAll (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork) |
int | sceKernelSignalLwCondTo (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork, SceUID threadId) |
int | sceKernelWaitLwCond (SceKernelLwCondWork *pWork, unsigned int *pTimeout) |
int | sceKernelCreateLwMutex (SceKernelLwMutexWork *pWork, const char *pName, unsigned int attr, int initCount, const SceKernelLwMutexOptParam *pOptParam) |
int | sceKernelDeleteLwMutex (SceKernelLwMutexWork *pWork) |
int | sceKernelLockLwMutex (SceKernelLwMutexWork *pWork, int lockCount, unsigned int *pTimeout) |
int | sceKernelTryLockLwMutex (SceKernelLwMutexWork *pWork, int lockCount) |
int | sceKernelUnlockLwMutex (SceKernelLwMutexWork *pWork, int unlockCount) |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateMsgPipe (const char *name, int type, int attr, unsigned int bufSize, void *opt) |
Create a message pipe. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe (SceUID uid) |
Delete a message pipe. | |
int | sceKernelSendMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout) |
Send a message to a pipe. | |
int | sceKernelSendMsgPipeCB (SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout) |
Send a message to a pipe (with callback) | |
int | sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2) |
Try to send a message to a pipe. | |
int | sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout) |
Receive a message from a pipe. | |
int | sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout) |
Receive a message from a pipe (with callback) | |
int | sceKernelTryReceiveMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2) |
Receive a message from a pipe. | |
int | sceKernelCancelMsgPipe (SceUID uid, int *psend, int *precv) |
Cancel a message pipe. | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x3C, SceKernelMppInfo) | |
int | sceKernelGetMsgPipeInfo (SceUID uid, SceKernelMppInfo *info) |
Get the status of a Message Pipe. | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateMutex (const char *name, SceUInt attr, int initCount, SceKernelMutexOptParam *option) |
Creates a new mutex. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteMutex (SceUID mutexid) |
Destroy a mutex. | |
int | sceKernelOpenMutex (const char *name) |
Open a mutex. | |
int | sceKernelCloseMutex (SceUID mutexid) |
Close a mutex. | |
int | sceKernelLockMutex (SceUID mutexid, int lockCount, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a mutex. | |
int | sceKernelLockMutexCB (SceUID mutexid, int lockCount, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a mutex and handle callbacks if necessary. | |
int | sceKernelTryLockMutex (SceUID mutexid, int lockCount) |
Try to lock a mutex (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelUnlockMutex (SceUID mutexid, int unlockCount) |
Try to unlock a mutex (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelCancelMutex (SceUID mutexid, int newCount, int *numWaitThreads) |
Cancels a mutex. | |
int | sceKernelGetMutexInfo (SceUID mutexid, SceKernelMutexInfo *info) |
Retrieve information about a mutex. | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelRWLockOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x3C, SceKernelRWLockInfo) | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateRWLock (const char *name, SceUInt32 attr, const SceKernelRWLockOptParam *opt_param) |
Creates a new rwlock. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Destroy a rwlock. | |
SceUID | sceKernelOpenRWLock (const char *name) |
Open a rwlock. | |
int | sceKernelCloseRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Close a rwlock. | |
int | sceKernelLockReadRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a rwlock with read access. | |
int | sceKernelLockWriteRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a rwlock with write access. | |
int | sceKernelLockReadRWLockCB (SceUID rwlock_id, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a rwlock with read access and handle callbacks. | |
int | sceKernelLockWriteRWLockCB (SceUID rwlock_id, unsigned int *timeout) |
Lock a rwlock with write access and handle callbacks. | |
int | sceKernelTryLockReadRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Try to lock a rwlock with read access (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelTryLockWriteRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Try to lock a rwlock with write access (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelUnlockReadRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Try to unlock a rwlock with read access (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelUnlockWriteRWLock (SceUID rwlock_id) |
Try to unlock a rwlock with write access (non-blocking) | |
int | sceKernelGetRWLockInfo (SceUID rwlock_id, SceKernelRWLockInfo *info) |
Retrieve information about a rwlock. | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateSema (const char *name, SceUInt attr, int initVal, int maxVal, SceKernelSemaOptParam *option) |
Creates a new semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteSema (SceUID semaid) |
Destroy a semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelSignalSema (SceUID semaid, int signal) |
Send a signal to a semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelWaitSema (SceUID semaid, int signal, SceUInt *timeout) |
Lock a semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelWaitSemaCB (SceUID semaid, int signal, SceUInt *timeout) |
Lock a semaphore and handle callbacks if necessary. | |
int | sceKernelPollSema (SceUID semaid, int signal) |
Poll a semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelCancelSema (SceUID semaid, int setCount, int *numWaitThreads) |
Cancels a semaphore. | |
int | sceKernelGetSemaInfo (SceUID semaid, SceKernelSemaInfo *info) |
Retrieve information about a semaphore. | |
SceUID | sceKernelOpenSema (const char *name) |
int | sceKernelCloseSema (SceUID semaid) |
int | sceKernelWaitSignal (SceUInt32 unk0, SceUInt32 delay, SceUInt32 *timeout) |
Sleep current thread and wait for a signal. | |
int | sceKernelSendSignal (SceUID thid) |
Send a signal to the thread specified by thid. | |
SceUID | sceKernelCreateThread (const char *name, SceKernelThreadEntry entry, int initPriority, SceSize stackSize, SceUInt attr, int cpuAffinityMask, const SceKernelThreadOptParam *option) |
Create a thread. | |
int | sceKernelDeleteThread (SceUID thid) |
Delate a thread. | |
int | sceKernelStartThread (SceUID thid, SceSize arglen, void *argp) |
Start a created thread. | |
int | sceKernelExitThread (int status) |
Exit a thread. | |
int | sceKernelExitDeleteThread (int status) |
Exit a thread and delete itself. | |
int | sceKernelWaitThreadEnd (SceUID thid, int *stat, SceUInt *timeout) |
Wait until a thread has ended. | |
int | sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB (SceUID thid, int *stat, SceUInt *timeout) |
Wait until a thread has ended and handle callbacks if necessary. | |
int | sceKernelDelayThread (SceUInt delay) |
Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds. | |
int | sceKernelDelayThreadCB (SceUInt delay) |
Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds and handle any callbacks. | |
int | sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr (SceUInt clearAttr, SceUInt setAttr) |
Modify the attributes of the current thread. | |
int | sceKernelChangeThreadPriority (SceUID thid, int priority) |
Change the threads current priority. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority (void) |
Get the current priority of the thread you are in. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus (SceUID thid, int *status) |
Get the exit status of a thread. | |
int | sceKernelCheckThreadStack (void) |
Check the thread stack? | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize (SceUID thid) |
Get the free stack size for a thread. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadInfo (SceUID thid, SceKernelThreadInfo *info) |
Get the status information for the specified thread. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadRunStatus (SceUID thid, SceKernelThreadRunStatus *status) |
Retrive the runtime status of a thread. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadCpuAffinityMask (SceUID thid) |
Retrive the cpu affinity mask of a thread. | |
int | sceKernelChangeThreadCpuAffinityMask (SceUID thid, int mask) |
Set the cpu affinity mask of a thread. | |
int | sceKernelGetThreadId (void) |
Get the current thread Id. | |
SceUID | sceKernelGetProcessId (void) |
Get the process ID of in the running thread. | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x48, SceKernelSystemInfo) | |
int | sceKernelGetSystemInfo (SceKernelSystemInfo *info) |
Get the system information. | |
SceKernelIdListType | sceKernelGetThreadmgrUIDClass (SceUID uid) |
Get the type of a Threadmgr uid. | |
void * | sceKernelGetThreadTLSAddr (SceUID thid, int key) |
sceKernelGetThreadTLSAddr gets an address to a 4 bytes area of TLS memory for the specified thread | |
void * | sceKernelGetTLSAddr (int key) |
sceKernelGetTLSAddr get pointer to TLS key area for current thread | |
SceInt64 | sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide (void) |
Get the system time (wide version) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x34, SceKernelThreadRunStatus) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x1C, SceKernelThreadOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x80, SceKernelThreadInfo) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x3C, SceKernelCallbackInfo) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelSemaOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x3C, SceKernelSemaInfo) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelEventFlagOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x38, SceKernelEventFlagInfo) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x10, SceKernelLwCondWork) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelLwCondOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x20, SceKernelLwMutexWork) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelLwMutexOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (8, SceKernelMutexOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x3C, SceKernelMutexInfo) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (4, SceKernelCondOptParam) | |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x34, SceKernelCondInfo) | |
Typedefs | |
typedef int(* | SceKernelThreadEntry) (SceSize args, void *argp) |
typedef int(* | SceKernelCallbackFunction) (int notifyId, int notifyCount, int notifyArg, void *userData) |
Callback function prototype. | |
Macros | |
Inherit calling thread affinity mask. | |
struct SceKernelMppInfo |
struct SceKernelRWLockOptParam |
Additional options used when creating rwlock.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelRWLockOptParam structure. |
struct SceKernelRWLockInfo |
Current state of a rwlock.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelRWLockInfo structure. |
SceUID | rwLockId | The UID of the rwlock. |
char | name[32] | NULL-terminated name of the rwlock. |
SceUInt32 | attr | Attributes. |
SceInt32 | lockCount | The current lock count. |
SceUID | writeOwnerId | The UID of the current owner of the rwlock with write access, 0 when locked for reads. |
SceUInt32 | numReadWaitThreads | The number of threads waiting on the rwlock for read access. |
SceUInt32 | numWriteWaitThreads | The number of threads waiting on the rwlock for write access. |
struct SceKernelSystemInfo |
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | |
SceUInt32 | activeCpuMask | |
struct SceKernelSystemInfo.cpuInfo | cpuInfo[4] |
struct SceKernelThreadRunStatus |
Statistics about a running thread.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | |
struct SceKernelThreadRunStatus.cpuInfo | cpuInfo[4] |
struct SceKernelThreadOptParam |
struct SceKernelThreadInfo |
Structure to hold the status information for a thread.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the structure. |
SceUID | processId | The UID of the process where the thread belongs. |
char | name[32] | Nul terminated name of the thread. |
SceUInt32 | attr | Thread attributes. |
SceUInt32 | status | Thread status. |
SceKernelThreadEntry | entry | Thread entry point. |
void * | stack | Thread stack pointer. |
SceInt32 | stackSize | Thread stack size. |
SceInt32 | initPriority | Initial priority. |
SceInt32 | currentPriority | Current priority. |
SceInt32 | initCpuAffinityMask | Initial CPU affinity mask. |
SceInt32 | currentCpuAffinityMask | Current CPU affinity mask. |
SceInt32 | currentCpuId | Current CPU ID. |
SceInt32 | lastExecutedCpuId | Last executed CPU ID. |
SceUInt32 | waitType | Wait type. |
SceUID | waitId | Wait id. |
SceInt32 | exitStatus | Exit status of the thread. |
SceKernelSysClock | runClocks | Number of clock cycles run. |
SceUInt32 | intrPreemptCount | Interrupt preemption count. |
SceUInt32 | threadPreemptCount | Thread preemption count. |
SceUInt32 | threadReleaseCount | Thread release count. |
SceInt32 | changeCpuCount | Number of CPUs to which the thread is moved. |
SceInt32 | fNotifyCallback | Function notify callback UID. |
SceInt32 | reserved | Reserved. |
struct SceKernelCallbackInfo |
Structure to hold the status information for a callback.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size |
Size of the structure (i.e. sizeof(SceKernelCallbackInfo)) |
SceUID | callbackId | The UID of the callback. |
char | name[32] | The name given to the callback. |
SceUID | threadId | The thread id associated with the callback. |
SceKernelCallbackFunction | callback | Pointer to the callback function. |
void * | common | User supplied argument for the callback. |
int | notifyCount | Unknown. |
int | notifyArg | Unknown. |
struct SceKernelSemaOptParam |
Additional options used when creating semaphores.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelSemaOptParam structure. |
struct SceKernelSemaInfo |
Current state of a semaphore.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelSemaInfo structure. |
SceUID | semaId | The UID of the semaphore. |
char | name[32] | NUL-terminated name of the semaphore. |
SceUInt | attr | Attributes. |
int | initCount | The initial count the semaphore was created with. |
int | currentCount | The current count. |
int | maxCount | The maximum count. |
int | numWaitThreads | The number of threads waiting on the semaphore. |
struct SceKernelEventFlagOptParam |
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size |
struct SceKernelEventFlagInfo |
struct SceKernelLwCondWork |
Data Fields | ||
SceInt32 | data[4] |
struct SceKernelLwCondOptParam |
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size |
struct SceKernelLwMutexWork |
Data Fields | ||
SceInt64 | data[4] |
struct SceKernelLwMutexOptParam |
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size |
struct SceKernelMutexOptParam |
Additional options used when creating mutexes.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelMutexOptParam structure. |
int | ceilingPriority |
struct SceKernelMutexInfo |
Current state of a mutex.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelMutexInfo structure. |
SceUID | mutexId | The UID of the mutex. |
char | name[32] | NUL-terminated name of the mutex. |
SceUInt | attr | Attributes. |
int | initCount | The initial count the mutex was created with. |
int | currentCount | The current count. |
SceUID | currentOwnerId | The UID of the current owner of the mutex. |
int | numWaitThreads | The number of threads waiting on the mutex. |
struct SceKernelCondOptParam |
Additional options used when creating condition variables.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelCondOptParam structure. |
struct SceKernelCondInfo |
Current state of a condition variable.
Data Fields | ||
SceSize | size | Size of the SceKernelCondInfo structure. |
SceUID | condId | The UID of the condition variable. |
char | name[32] | NUL-terminated name of the condition variable. |
SceUInt | attr | Attributes. |
SceUID | mutexId | Mutex associated with the condition variable. |
int | numWaitThreads | The number of threads waiting on the condition variable. |
struct SceKernelSystemInfo.cpuInfo |
Data Fields | ||
SceKernelSysClock | idleClock | |
SceUInt32 | comesOutOfIdleCount | |
SceUInt32 | threadSwitchCount |
Inherit calling thread affinity mask.
typedef int(* SceKernelThreadEntry) (SceSize args, void *argp) |
typedef int(* SceKernelCallbackFunction) (int notifyId, int notifyCount, int notifyArg, void *userData) |
Callback function prototype.
enum SceKernelIdListType |
Threadmgr types.
enum SceThreadStatus |
Event flag creation attributes.
int sceKernelCreateCallback | ( | const char * | name, |
unsigned int | attr, | ||
SceKernelCallbackFunction | func, | ||
void * | userData | ||
) |
Create callback.
name | - A textual name for the callback |
attr | - ? |
func | - A pointer to a function that will be called as the callback |
userData | - User defined data to be passed to the callback. |
int sceKernelGetCallbackInfo | ( | SceUID | cb, |
SceKernelCallbackInfo * | infop | ||
) |
Gets the status of a specified callback.
cb | - The UID of the callback to retrieve info for. |
status | - Pointer to a status structure. The size parameter should be initialised before calling. |
int sceKernelDeleteCallback | ( | SceUID | cb | ) |
Delete a callback.
cb | - The UID of the specified callback |
int sceKernelNotifyCallback | ( | SceUID | cb, |
int | arg2 | ||
) |
Notify a callback.
cb | - The UID of the specified callback |
arg2 | - Passed as arg2 into the callback function |
int sceKernelCancelCallback | ( | SceUID | cb | ) |
Cancel a callback ?
cb | - The UID of the specified callback |
int sceKernelGetCallbackCount | ( | SceUID | cb | ) |
Get the callback count.
cb | - The UID of the specified callback |
int sceKernelCheckCallback | ( | void | ) |
Check callback ?
SceUID sceKernelCreateCond | ( | const char * | name, |
SceUInt | attr, | ||
SceUID | mutexId, | ||
const SceKernelCondOptParam * | option | ||
) |
Creates a new condition variable.
name | - Specifies the name of the condition variable |
attr | - Condition variable attribute flags (normally set to 0) |
mutexId | - Mutex to be related to the condition variable |
option | - Condition variable options (normally set to 0) |
int sceKernelDeleteCond | ( | SceUID | condId | ) |
Destroy a condition variable.
condition | variableid - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
int sceKernelOpenCond | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Open a condition variable.
name | - The name of the condition variable to open |
int sceKernelCloseCond | ( | SceUID | condId | ) |
Close a condition variable.
condition | variableid - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
int sceKernelWaitCond | ( | SceUID | condId, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Waits for a signal of a condition variable.
condId | - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed) |
int sceKernelWaitCondCB | ( | SceUID | condId, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Waits for a signal of a condition variable (with callbacks)
condId | - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed) |
int sceKernelSignalCond | ( | SceUID | condId | ) |
Signals a condition variable.
condId | - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
int sceKernelSignalCondAll | ( | SceUID | condId | ) |
Signals a condition variable to all threads waiting for it.
condId | - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
Signals a condition variable to a specific thread waiting for it.
condId | - The condition variable id returned from sceKernelCreateCond |
threadId | - The thread id returned from sceKernelCreateThread |
SceUID sceKernelCreateEventFlag | ( | const char * | name, |
int | attr, | ||
int | bits, | ||
SceKernelEventFlagOptParam * | opt | ||
) |
Create an event flag.
name | - The name of the event flag. |
attr | - Attributes from SceEventFlagAttributes |
bits | - Initial bit pattern. |
opt | - Options, set to NULL |
int sceKernelSetEventFlag | ( | SceUID | evid, |
unsigned int | bits | ||
) |
Set an event flag bit pattern.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag. |
bits | - The bit pattern to set. |
int sceKernelClearEventFlag | ( | SceUID | evid, |
unsigned int | bits | ||
) |
Clear a event flag bit pattern.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag |
bits | - The bits to clean |
int sceKernelPollEventFlag | ( | int | evid, |
unsigned int | bits, | ||
unsigned int | wait, | ||
unsigned int * | outBits | ||
) |
Poll an event flag for a given bit pattern.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag. |
bits | - The bit pattern to poll for. |
wait | - Wait type, one or more of SceEventFlagWaitTypes or'ed together |
outBits | - The bit pattern that was matched. |
int sceKernelWaitEventFlag | ( | int | evid, |
unsigned int | bits, | ||
unsigned int | wait, | ||
unsigned int * | outBits, | ||
SceUInt * | timeout | ||
) |
Wait for an event flag for a given bit pattern.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag. |
bits | - The bit pattern to poll for. |
wait | - Wait type, one or more of SceEventFlagWaitTypes or'ed together |
outBits | - The bit pattern that was matched. |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds |
int sceKernelWaitEventFlagCB | ( | int | evid, |
unsigned int | bits, | ||
unsigned int | wait, | ||
unsigned int * | outBits, | ||
SceUInt * | timeout | ||
) |
Wait for an event flag for a given bit pattern with callback.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag. |
bits | - The bit pattern to poll for. |
wait | - Wait type, one or more of SceEventFlagWaitTypes or'ed together |
outBits | - The bit pattern that was matched. |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds |
int sceKernelDeleteEventFlag | ( | int | evid | ) |
Delete an event flag.
evid | - The event id returned by sceKernelCreateEventFlag. |
int sceKernelGetEventFlagInfo | ( | SceUID | event, |
SceKernelEventFlagInfo * | info | ||
) |
Get the status of an event flag.
event | - The UID of the event. |
status | - A pointer to a SceKernelEventFlagInfo structure. |
int sceKernelCreateLwCond | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork, |
const char * | pName, | ||
unsigned int | attr, | ||
SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pLwMutex, | ||
const SceKernelLwCondOptParam * | pOptParam | ||
) |
int sceKernelDeleteLwCond | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork | ) |
int sceKernelSignalLwCond | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork | ) |
int sceKernelSignalLwCondAll | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork | ) |
int sceKernelSignalLwCondTo | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork, |
SceUID | threadId | ||
) |
int sceKernelWaitLwCond | ( | SceKernelLwCondWork * | pWork, |
unsigned int * | pTimeout | ||
) |
int sceKernelCreateLwMutex | ( | SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pWork, |
const char * | pName, | ||
unsigned int | attr, | ||
int | initCount, | ||
const SceKernelLwMutexOptParam * | pOptParam | ||
) |
int sceKernelDeleteLwMutex | ( | SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pWork | ) |
int sceKernelLockLwMutex | ( | SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pWork, |
int | lockCount, | ||
unsigned int * | pTimeout | ||
) |
int sceKernelTryLockLwMutex | ( | SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pWork, |
int | lockCount | ||
) |
int sceKernelUnlockLwMutex | ( | SceKernelLwMutexWork * | pWork, |
int | unlockCount | ||
) |
SceUID sceKernelCreateMsgPipe | ( | const char * | name, |
int | type, | ||
int | attr, | ||
unsigned int | bufSize, | ||
void * | opt | ||
) |
Create a message pipe.
name | - Name of the pipe |
type | - The type of memory attribute to use internally (set to 0x40) |
attr | - Set to 12 |
bufSize | - The size of the internal buffer in multiples of 0x1000 (4KB) |
opt | - Message pipe options (set to NULL) |
int sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe | ( | SceUID | uid | ) |
Delete a message pipe.
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
int sceKernelSendMsgPipe | ( | SceUID | uid, |
void * | message, | ||
unsigned int | size, | ||
int | unk1, | ||
void * | unk2, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Send a message to a pipe.
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - async vs sync? use 0 for sync |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
timeout | - Timeout for send in us. use NULL to wait indefinitely |
int sceKernelSendMsgPipeCB | ( | SceUID | uid, |
void * | message, | ||
unsigned int | size, | ||
int | unk1, | ||
void * | unk2, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Send a message to a pipe (with callback)
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - async vs sync? use 0 for sync |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
timeout | - Timeout for send in us. use NULL to wait indefinitely |
Try to send a message to a pipe.
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - use 0 |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe | ( | SceUID | uid, |
void * | message, | ||
SceSize | size, | ||
int | unk1, | ||
void * | unk2, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Receive a message from a pipe.
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - async vs sync? use 0 for sync |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
timeout | - Timeout for receive in us. use NULL to wait indefinitely |
int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB | ( | SceUID | uid, |
void * | message, | ||
SceSize | size, | ||
int | unk1, | ||
void * | unk2, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Receive a message from a pipe (with callback)
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - async vs sync? use 0 for sync |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
timeout | - Timeout for receive in us. use NULL to wait indefinitely |
Receive a message from a pipe.
uid | - The UID of the pipe |
message | - Pointer to the message |
size | - Size of the message |
unk1 | - Unknown - use 0 |
unk2 | - Unknown - use NULL |
int sceKernelCancelMsgPipe | ( | SceUID | uid, |
int * | psend, | ||
int * | precv | ||
) |
Cancel a message pipe.
uid | - UID of the pipe to cancel |
psend | - Receive number of sending threads, NULL is valid |
precv | - Receive number of receiving threads, NULL is valid |
SceKernelMppInfo | |||
) |
int sceKernelGetMsgPipeInfo | ( | SceUID | uid, |
SceKernelMppInfo * | info | ||
) |
Get the status of a Message Pipe.
uid | - The uid of the Message Pipe |
info | - Pointer to a SceKernelMppInfo structure |
SceUID sceKernelCreateMutex | ( | const char * | name, |
SceUInt | attr, | ||
int | initCount, | ||
SceKernelMutexOptParam * | option | ||
) |
Creates a new mutex.
name | - Specifies the name of the mutex |
attr | - Mutex attribute flags (normally set to 0) |
initCount | - Mutex initial value |
option | - Mutex options (normally set to 0) |
int sceKernelDeleteMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid | ) |
Destroy a mutex.
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
int sceKernelOpenMutex | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Open a mutex.
name | - The name of the mutex to open |
int sceKernelCloseMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid | ) |
Close a mutex.
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
int sceKernelLockMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
int | lockCount, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a mutex.
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
lockCount | - The value to increment to the lock count of the mutex |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed) |
int sceKernelLockMutexCB | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
int | lockCount, | ||
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a mutex and handle callbacks if necessary.
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
lockCount | - The value to increment to the lock count of the mutex |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed) |
int sceKernelTryLockMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
int | lockCount | ||
) |
Try to lock a mutex (non-blocking)
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
lockCount | - The value to increment to the lock count of the mutex |
int sceKernelUnlockMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
int | unlockCount | ||
) |
Try to unlock a mutex (non-blocking)
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
unlockCount | - The value to decrement to the lock count of the mutex |
int sceKernelCancelMutex | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
int | newCount, | ||
int * | numWaitThreads | ||
) |
Cancels a mutex.
mutexid | - The mutex id returned from sceKernelCreateMutex |
newCount | - The new lock count of the mutex |
numWaitThreads | - Number of threads waiting for the mutex |
int sceKernelGetMutexInfo | ( | SceUID | mutexid, |
SceKernelMutexInfo * | info | ||
) |
Retrieve information about a mutex.
mutexid | - UID of the mutex to retrieve info for. |
info | - Pointer to a SceKernelMutexInfo struct to receive the info. |
SceKernelRWLockOptParam | |||
) |
SceKernelRWLockInfo | |||
) |
SceUID sceKernelCreateRWLock | ( | const char * | name, |
SceUInt32 | attr, | ||
const SceKernelRWLockOptParam * | opt_param | ||
) |
Creates a new rwlock.
name | - Specifies the name of the rwlock |
attr | - RWLock attribute flags (normally set to 0) |
option | - RWLock options (normally set to NULL) |
int sceKernelDeleteRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Destroy a rwlock.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
SceUID sceKernelOpenRWLock | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Open a rwlock.
name | - The name of the rwlock to open |
int sceKernelCloseRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Close a rwlock.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
int sceKernelLockReadRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a rwlock with read access.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds, use NULL to disable it |
int sceKernelLockWriteRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a rwlock with write access.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds, use NULL to disable it |
int sceKernelLockReadRWLockCB | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a rwlock with read access and handle callbacks.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds, use NULL to disable it |
int sceKernelLockWriteRWLockCB | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id, |
unsigned int * | timeout | ||
) |
Lock a rwlock with write access and handle callbacks.
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds, use NULL to disable it |
int sceKernelTryLockReadRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Try to lock a rwlock with read access (non-blocking)
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
int sceKernelTryLockWriteRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Try to lock a rwlock with write access (non-blocking)
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
int sceKernelUnlockReadRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Try to unlock a rwlock with read access (non-blocking)
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
int sceKernelUnlockWriteRWLock | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id | ) |
Try to unlock a rwlock with write access (non-blocking)
rwlock_id | - The rwlock id returned from sceKernelCreateRWLock |
int sceKernelGetRWLockInfo | ( | SceUID | rwlock_id, |
SceKernelRWLockInfo * | info | ||
) |
Retrieve information about a rwlock.
rwlock_id | - UID of the rwlock to retrieve info for. |
info | - Pointer to a SceKernelRWLockInfo struct to receive the info. |
SceUID sceKernelCreateSema | ( | const char * | name, |
SceUInt | attr, | ||
int | initVal, | ||
int | maxVal, | ||
SceKernelSemaOptParam * | option | ||
) |
Creates a new semaphore.
name | - Specifies the name of the sema |
attr | - Sema attribute flags (normally set to 0) |
initVal | - Sema initial value |
maxVal | - Sema maximum value |
option | - Sema options (normally set to 0) |
int sceKernelDeleteSema | ( | SceUID | semaid | ) |
Destroy a semaphore.
semaid | - The semaid returned from a previous create call. |
int sceKernelSignalSema | ( | SceUID | semaid, |
int | signal | ||
) |
Send a signal to a semaphore.
semaid | - The sema id returned from sceKernelCreateSema |
signal | - The amount to signal the sema (i.e. if 2 then increment the sema by 2) |
Lock a semaphore.
semaid | - The sema id returned from sceKernelCreateSema |
signal | - The value to wait for (i.e. if 1 then wait till reaches a signal state of 1) |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed). |
Lock a semaphore and handle callbacks if necessary.
semaid | - The sema id returned from sceKernelCreateSema |
signal | - The value to wait for (i.e. if 1 then wait till reaches a signal state of 1) |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed). |
int sceKernelPollSema | ( | SceUID | semaid, |
int | signal | ||
) |
Poll a semaphore.
semaid | - UID of the semaphore to poll. |
signal | - The value to test for. |
int sceKernelCancelSema | ( | SceUID | semaid, |
int | setCount, | ||
int * | numWaitThreads | ||
) |
Cancels a semaphore.
semaid | - The sema id returned from sceKernelCreateSema |
setCount | - The new lock count of the semaphore |
numWaitThreads | - Number of threads waiting for the semaphore |
int sceKernelGetSemaInfo | ( | SceUID | semaid, |
SceKernelSemaInfo * | info | ||
) |
Retrieve information about a semaphore.
semaid | - UID of the semaphore to retrieve info for. |
info | - Pointer to a SceKernelSemaInfo struct to receive the info. |
SceUID sceKernelOpenSema | ( | const char * | name | ) |
int sceKernelCloseSema | ( | SceUID | semaid | ) |
Sleep current thread and wait for a signal.
After it receives a signal, the thread wakes up.
This is like a semphore with limit 1. If signal was sent before and not consumed before, the function will immediately return.
unk0 | unknown parameter. 0 can be used. |
delay | the delay before wating for a signal |
timeout | the timeout if it's null, it waits indefinitely. |
int sceKernelSendSignal | ( | SceUID | thid | ) |
Send a signal to the thread specified by thid.
Note that it can send a signal to the current thread as well.
thid | - the id of the thread to send a signal to |
SceUID sceKernelCreateThread | ( | const char * | name, |
SceKernelThreadEntry | entry, | ||
int | initPriority, | ||
SceSize | stackSize, | ||
SceUInt | attr, | ||
int | cpuAffinityMask, | ||
const SceKernelThreadOptParam * | option | ||
) |
Create a thread.
name | - An arbitrary thread name. |
entry | - The thread function to run when started. |
initPriority | - The initial priority of the thread. Less if higher priority. |
stackSize | - The size of the initial stack. |
attr | - The thread attributes, zero or more of ::SceThreadAttributes. |
cpuAffinityMask | - The CPU affinity mask A thread can run only on the cores specified in the CPU affinity mask. The CPU affinity mask can be specified by the logical sum of the following macros:
option | - Additional options specified by SceKernelThreadOptParam. |
int sceKernelDeleteThread | ( | SceUID | thid | ) |
Delate a thread.
thid | - UID of the thread to be deleted. |
Start a created thread.
thid | - Thread id from sceKernelCreateThread |
arglen | - Length of the data pointed to by argp, in bytes |
argp | - Pointer to the arguments. |
int sceKernelExitThread | ( | int | status | ) |
Exit a thread.
status | - Exit status. |
int sceKernelExitDeleteThread | ( | int | status | ) |
Exit a thread and delete itself.
status | - Exit status |
Wait until a thread has ended.
thid | - Id of the thread to wait for. |
stat | - Exit status. |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed). |
Wait until a thread has ended and handle callbacks if necessary.
thid | - Id of the thread to wait for. |
stat | - Exit status. |
timeout | - Timeout in microseconds (assumed). |
int sceKernelDelayThread | ( | SceUInt | delay | ) |
Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds.
delay | - Delay in microseconds. |
int sceKernelDelayThreadCB | ( | SceUInt | delay | ) |
Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds and handle any callbacks.
delay | - Delay in microseconds. |
Modify the attributes of the current thread.
clearAttr | - The thread attributes to clear. One of ::SceThreadAttributes. |
setAttr | - The thread attributes to set. One of ::SceThreadAttributes. |
int sceKernelChangeThreadPriority | ( | SceUID | thid, |
int | priority | ||
) |
Change the threads current priority.
thid | - The ID of the thread (from sceKernelCreateThread or sceKernelGetThreadId) |
priority | - The new priority (the lower the number the higher the priority) |
int sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority | ( | void | ) |
Get the current priority of the thread you are in.
int sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus | ( | SceUID | thid, |
int * | status | ||
) |
Get the exit status of a thread.
[in] | thid | - The UID of the thread to check. |
[out] | status | - Status out pointer |
int sceKernelCheckThreadStack | ( | void | ) |
Check the thread stack?
int sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize | ( | SceUID | thid | ) |
Get the free stack size for a thread.
thid | - The thread ID |
int sceKernelGetThreadInfo | ( | SceUID | thid, |
SceKernelThreadInfo * | info | ||
) |
Get the status information for the specified thread.
thid | - Id of the thread to get status |
info | - Pointer to the info structure to receive the data. Note: The structures size field should be set to sizeof(SceKernelThreadInfo) before calling this function. |
int sceKernelGetThreadRunStatus | ( | SceUID | thid, |
SceKernelThreadRunStatus * | status | ||
) |
Retrive the runtime status of a thread.
thid | - UID of the thread to retrieve status. |
status | - Pointer to a SceKernelThreadRunStatus struct to receive the runtime status. |
int sceKernelGetThreadCpuAffinityMask | ( | SceUID | thid | ) |
Retrive the cpu affinity mask of a thread.
thid | - UID of the thread to retrieve affinity mask for. |
int sceKernelChangeThreadCpuAffinityMask | ( | SceUID | thid, |
int | mask | ||
) |
Set the cpu affinity mask of a thread.
thid | - UID of the thread to retrieve affinity mask for. |
mask | - New cpu affinity mask. |
int sceKernelGetThreadId | ( | void | ) |
Get the current thread Id.
SceUID sceKernelGetProcessId | ( | void | ) |
Get the process ID of in the running thread.
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x48 | , |
SceKernelSystemInfo | |||
) |
int sceKernelGetSystemInfo | ( | SceKernelSystemInfo * | info | ) |
Get the system information.
info | - Pointer to a SceKernelSystemInfo structure |
SceKernelIdListType sceKernelGetThreadmgrUIDClass | ( | SceUID | uid | ) |
Get the type of a Threadmgr uid.
uid | - The uid to get the type from |
void * sceKernelGetThreadTLSAddr | ( | SceUID | thid, |
int | key | ||
) |
sceKernelGetThreadTLSAddr gets an address to a 4 bytes area of TLS memory for the specified thread
thid | - The UID of the thread to access TLS |
key | - the TLS keyslot index |
void * sceKernelGetTLSAddr | ( | int | key | ) |
sceKernelGetTLSAddr get pointer to TLS key area for current thread
key | - the TLS keyslot index |
SceInt64 sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide | ( | void | ) |
Get the system time (wide version)
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x34 | , |
SceKernelThreadRunStatus | |||
) |
SceKernelThreadOptParam | |||
) |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x80 | , |
SceKernelThreadInfo | |||
) |
SceKernelCallbackInfo | |||
) |
SceKernelSemaOptParam | |||
) |
SceKernelSemaInfo | |||
) |
SceKernelEventFlagOptParam | |||
) |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x38 | , |
SceKernelEventFlagInfo | |||
) |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x10 | , |
SceKernelLwCondWork | |||
) |
SceKernelLwCondOptParam | |||
) |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x20 | , |
SceKernelLwMutexWork | |||
) |
SceKernelLwMutexOptParam | |||
) |
SceKernelMutexOptParam | |||
) |
SceKernelMutexInfo | |||
) |
SceKernelCondOptParam | |||
) |
VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ | ( | 0x34 | , |
SceKernelCondInfo | |||
) |