Documentation of the vitasdk
msgpipe.h File Reference
#include <vitasdk/build_utils.h>
#include <psp2/types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  SceKernelMppInfo
 Message Pipe status info. More...


SceUID sceKernelCreateMsgPipe (const char *name, int type, int attr, unsigned int bufSize, void *opt)
 Create a message pipe.
int sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe (SceUID uid)
 Delete a message pipe.
int sceKernelSendMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout)
 Send a message to a pipe.
int sceKernelSendMsgPipeCB (SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout)
 Send a message to a pipe (with callback)
int sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2)
 Try to send a message to a pipe.
int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout)
 Receive a message from a pipe.
int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout)
 Receive a message from a pipe (with callback)
int sceKernelTryReceiveMsgPipe (SceUID uid, void *message, SceSize size, int unk1, void *unk2)
 Receive a message from a pipe.
int sceKernelCancelMsgPipe (SceUID uid, int *psend, int *precv)
 Cancel a message pipe.
int sceKernelGetMsgPipeInfo (SceUID uid, SceKernelMppInfo *info)
 Get the status of a Message Pipe.