Documentation of the vitasdk
thread.h File Reference

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SceUID ksceKernelCreateThread (const char *name, SceKernelThreadEntry entry, int initPriority, SceSize stackSize, SceUInt attr, int cpuAffinityMask, const SceKernelThreadOptParam *option)
 Create a thread.
int ksceKernelDeleteThread (SceUID thid)
 Delate a thread.
int ksceKernelStartThread (SceUID thid, SceSize arglen, void *argp)
 Start a created thread.
int ksceKernelExitThread (int status)
 Exit a thread.
int ksceKernelExitDeleteThread (int status)
 Exit a thread and delete itself.
int ksceKernelWaitThreadEnd (SceUID thid, int *stat, SceUInt *timeout)
 Wait until a thread has ended.
int ksceKernelWaitThreadEndCB (SceUID thid, int *stat, SceUInt *timeout)
 Wait until a thread has ended and handle callbacks if necessary.
int ksceKernelDelayThread (SceUInt delay)
 Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds.
int ksceKernelDelayThreadCB (SceUInt delay)
 Delay the current thread by a specified number of microseconds and handle any callbacks.
int ksceKernelChangeThreadPriority (SceUID thid, int priority)
 Change the threads current priority.
int ksceKernelGetThreadId (void)
 Get the current thread Id.
int ksceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority (void)
 Get the current priority of the thread you are in.
int ksceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize (SceUID thid)
 Get the free stack size for a thread.
int ksceKernelGetThreadInfo (SceUID thid, SceKernelThreadInfo *info)
 Get the thread info by thread id.