Documentation of the vitasdk
vshbridge.h File Reference

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enum  SceVshMountId {
  SCE_VSH_MOUNT_SD0 = 0x00100 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_OS0 = 0x00200 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_VS0 = 0x00300 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_VD0 = 0x00400 ,
  SCE_VSH_MOUNT_TM0 = 0x00500 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_UR0 = 0x00600 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_UD0 = 0x00700 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_UX0 = 0x00800 ,
  SCE_VSH_MOUNT_GRO0 = 0x00900 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_GRW0 = 0x00A00 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_SA0 = 0x00B00 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_PD0 = 0x00C00 ,
  SCE_VSH_MOUNT_IMC0 = 0x00D00 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_XMC0 = 0x00E00 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_UMA0 = 0x00F00 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_LMA0 = 0x10000 ,
  SCE_VSH_MOUNT_LMB0 = 0x20000 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_MFA0 = 0x50000 , SCE_VSH_MOUNT_MFB0 = 0x60000


int _vshSblGetSystemSwVersion (SceKernelFwInfo *data)
 Gets real system firmware information.
int _vshSblAimgrGetSMI (SceUInt32 *info)
 Get service/manufacturing information (factory/minimum firmware).
int _vshSblAimgrGetConsoleId (char CID[32])
SceUID _vshKernelSearchModuleByName (const char *module_name, const void *buffer)
 Check if a module is loaded.
int _vshIoMount (SceVshMountId id, const char *path, int permission, void *buf)
 Mount a partition.
int vshIoUmount (SceVshMountId id, int force, int unk2, int unk3)
 Unmount a partition.
int vshIdStorageIsDirty (void)
int vshIdStorageIsFormatted (void)
int vshIdStorageIsReadOnly (void)
int vshIdStorageReadLeaf (SceSize leafnum, void *buf)
int vshIdStorageWriteLeaf (SceSize leafnum, const void *buf)
int _vshNpDrmEbootSigVerify (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const char *eboot_signature, char **eboot_signature_header)
 Verify a eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp".
int _vshNpDrmPspEbootVerify (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const char *eboot_signature, char **eboot_signature_header)
 Verify an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" from firmware <2.00.
int _vshNpDrmPspEbootSigGen (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature)
 Generate an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a PSP game - this is unused in firmware >2.00.
int _vshNpDrmEbootSigConvert (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *old_eboot_signature, void *new_eboot_signature)
 Convert an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" to a 0x200 byte one used in firmwares >2.00.
int _vshNpDrmEbootSigGenPsp (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature, int *sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a PSP game.
int _vshNpDrmEbootSigGenPs1 (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature, int *sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a single-disc PS1 game.
int _vshNpDrmEbootSigGenMultiDisc (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *sce_discinfo, void *eboot_signature, int *sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_discinfo" for a multi-disc PS1 game.
int vshSblAimgrIsCEX (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsDEX (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsVITA (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsGenuineVITA (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsDolce (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsGenuineDolce (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsTest (void)
int vshSblAimgrIsTool (void)
int vshSblSsIsDevelopmentMode (void)
int vshSysconHasWWAN (void)
int vshSysconIsDownLoaderMode (void)
int vshSysconIsIduMode (void)
int vshSysconIsMCEmuCapable (void)
int vshSysconIsShowMode (void)
int vshSysconIduModeSet (void)
int vshSysconIduModeClear (void)
int vshSysconShowModeSet (void)
int vshSysconShowModeClear (void)
int vshMemoryCardGetCardInsertState (void)
int vshRemovableMemoryGetCardInsertState (void)
int vshMsifGetMsInfo (SceMsInfo *info)