Documentation of the vitasdk
npdrm.h File Reference
#include <psp2kern/types.h>
#include <psp2common/npdrm.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


int ksceNpDrmGetRifName (char *name, SceUInt64 aid)
 Get license file name.
int ksceNpDrmGetFixedRifName (char *name, SceUInt64 aid)
 Get license file name with fixed.
int ksceNpDrmReadActData (SceNpDrmActivationData *act_data)
 Get current activation data.
int ksceNpDrmCheckActData (int *act_type, int *version_flag, SceUInt64 *account_id, SceUInt64 *act_start_time, SceUInt64 *act_end_time)
 Check you have npdrm activation data, and get information from it.
int ksceNpDrmGetRifVitaKey (const SceNpDrmLicense *license, void *klicense, int *flags, int *sku_flags, SceUInt64 *lic_start_time, SceUInt64 *lic_exp_time)
 Get license key info.
int ksceNpDrmGetRifPspKey (const SceNpDrmLicense *license, void *klicense, int *flags, SceUInt64 *lic_start_time, SceUInt64 *lic_exp_time)
 Get license key info for a PSP game.
int ksceNpDrmGetRifInfo (const SceNpDrmLicense *license, SceSize license_size, int check_sign, char *content_id, SceUInt64 *account_id, int *license_version, int *license_flags, int *flags, int *sku_flags, SceInt64 *lic_start_time, SceInt64 *lic_exp_time, SceUInt64 *flags2)
 Get license info.
int ksceNpDrmEbootSigVerify (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_signature)
 Verify a eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp".
int ksceNpDrmPspEbootVerify (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_signature)
 Verify an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" from firmware <2.00.
int ksceNpDrmPspEbootSigGen (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature)
 Generate an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a PSP game - this is unused in firmware >2.00.
int ksceNpDrmEbootSigConvert (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *old_eboot_signature, void *new_eboot_signature)
 Convert an older 0x100 byte eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" to a 0x200 byte one used in firmwares >2.00.
int ksceNpDrmEbootSigGenPsp (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature, int sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a PSP game.
int ksceNpDrmEbootSigGenPs1 (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *eboot_sha256, void *eboot_signature, int sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_ebootpbp" for a single-disc PS1 game.
int ksceNpDrmEbootSigGenMultiDisc (const char *eboot_pbp_path, const void *sce_discinfo, void *eboot_signature, int sw_version)
 Generate eboot.pbp signature "__sce_discinfo" for a multi-disc PS1 game.