| VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (8, SceCompatCdram) |
| VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ (0x10, SceCtrlDataPsp) |
int | sceCompatInitEx (int unk) |
| Init compat.
int | sceCompatUninit (void) |
| Uninit compat.
int | sceCompatStart (void) |
| Start compat.
int | sceCompatStop (void) |
| Stop compat.
int | sceCompatAllocCdramWithHole (SceCompatCdram *cdram) |
| Allocate cdram with hole.
int | sceCompatFrameBufferInit (void *framebuffer) |
| Framebuffer init.
int | sceCompatSetSuspendSema (SceUID semaid1, SceUID semaid2) |
| Set suspend semaphores.
int | sceCompatSuspendResume (int unk) |
| Suspend/resume compat.
int | sceCompatCache (int mode, void *addr, SceSize size) |
| Cache operation.
int | sceCompatWaitSpecialRequest (int unk) |
| Wait for special request.
int | sceCompatInterrupt (int intr_code) |
| Interrupt code.
int | sceCompatLCDCSync (void) |
| LCDC sync.
int | sceCompatGetPrimaryHead (void) |
| Get primary head.
int | sceCompatGetPeripheralState (int mode) |
| Get peripheral state.
int | sceCompatGetStatus (void) |
| Get compat status.
int | sceCompatGetUpdateState (void) |
| Get update state.
int | sceCompatSetUpdateState (int state) |
| Set update state.
int | sceCompatSetDisplayConfig (int unk0, int unk1) |
| Set display config.
int | sceCompatSetRif (const char *rif) |
| Set RIF name.
int | sceCompatGetPspSystemSoftwareVersion (void) |
| Get PSP system software version.
int | sceCompatAvailableColorSpaceSetting (void) |
| Get color space setting availability.
int | sceCompatCheckPocketStation (void) |
| Check if pocket station application is available.
int | sceCompatIsPocketStationTitle (void) |
| Check if current title is a pocket station game.
int | sceCompatWaitAndGetRequest (int mode, int id) |
| Wait for command and get request.
int | sceCompatReadShared32 (int location, int *value) |
| Read from shared sram.
int | sceCompatWriteShared32 (int location, int value) |
| Write to shared sram.
int | sceCompatWriteSharedCtrl (SceCtrlDataPsp *pad_data) |
| Write shared control.
int | sceCompatGetTitleList (void *buf, SceSize length) |
| Get title list.
int | sceCompatGetDevInf (SceIoDevInfo *info) |
| Get Memory Card device information.
int | sceCompatGetCurrentSecureTick (SceRtcTick *tick) |
| Get current secure tick.