#define VITASDK_BUILD_ASSERT_EQ(__size__, __name__)
Definition build_utils.h:13
uint8_t reserved[24]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:88
SceFVector3 gyro
Angular velocity data.
Definition motion.h:64
unsigned int counter
Number of requested state.
Definition motion.h:67
int sceMotionSetGyroBiasCorrection(int setValue)
Activate/deactivate gyroscope bias correction.
int sceMotionGetGyroBiasCorrection(void)
Get status of gyroscope bias correction.
int sceMotionMagnetometerOn(void)
Start magnetometer sampling.
SceFQuaternion deviceQuat
Orientation data as a Quaternion.
Definition motion.h:46
int sceMotionGetTiltCorrection(void)
Get Status of tilt correction.
int sceMotionRotateYaw(float radians)
Rotate the yaw axis.
int sceMotionGetMagnetometerState(void)
Get status of magnetometer sampling.
SceFVector3 basicOrientation
Orientation of the device in reference to gravity.
Definition motion.h:50
SceFVector3 acceleration
Accelerometer data.
Definition motion.h:43
SceFMatrix4 nedMatrix
Magnetometer orientation matrix.
Definition motion.h:48
uint8_t reserved4[2]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:55
Definition motion.h:25
SceULong64 hostTimestamp
Timestamp of the data in microseconds.
Definition motion.h:51
unsigned int timestamp
Timestamp of the data in microseconds.
Definition motion.h:66
int sceMotionGetState(SceMotionState *motionState)
Gets the current motion state.
int sceMotionSetAngleThreshold(float angle)
Define the angle threshold for basic orientation.
uint8_t reserved3[7]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:71
int sceMotionGetDeviceLocation(SceMotionDeviceLocation *deviceLocation)
Gets the location of the device's sensors in relation to its center point (in mm).
uint8_t reserved3[36]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:52
uint8_t reserved1[12]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:45
uint8_t reserved2[4]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:68
SceFVector3 accelerometer
Accelerometer data.
Definition motion.h:63
unsigned int timestamp
Local timestamp of the device.
Definition motion.h:42
int sceMotionStopSampling(void)
Stop sampling.
SceFVector3 gyro
Location of te gyroscope in relation to the center of the device (in mm)
Definition motion.h:87
int sceMotionStartSampling(void)
Start sampling.
uint8_t unknown
Definition motion.h:70
int sceMotionGetBasicOrientation(SceFVector3 *basicOrientation)
Gets the basic orientation of the device in relation to gravity.
uint8_t reserved1[12]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:65
int sceMotionMagnetometerOff(void)
Stop magnetometer sampling.
int sceMotionGetDeadband(void)
Get status of deadbanding.
SceFVector3 accelerometer
Location of te accelerometer in relation to the center of the device (in mm)
Definition motion.h:86
int sceMotionSetTiltCorrection(int setValue)
Activate/deactivate tilt correction.
uint8_t magFieldStability
One of SceMotionMagFieldStability.
Definition motion.h:53
SceFVector3 angularVelocity
Angular velocity data.
Definition motion.h:44
int sceMotionSetDeadband(int setValue)
Activate/deactivate deadbanding.
uint8_t reserved2[4]
Reserved data.
Definition motion.h:49
int sceMotionReset(void)
Set current orientation as origin.
SceULong64 hostTimestamp
Timestamp of the data in microseconds.
Definition motion.h:69
int sceMotionGetSensorState(SceMotionSensorState *sensorState, int numRecords)
Gets the current motion sensor state.
SceFMatrix4 rotationMatrix
Orientation data as a rotation matrix.
Definition motion.h:47
Definition motion.h:19
uint8_t unknown
Definition motion.h:54
float sceMotionGetAngleThreshold(void)
Get the angle threshold for basic orientation.
Definition motion.h:33
Definition motion.h:31
Definition motion.h:28
Definition motion.h:26
Definition motion.h:27
Definition motion.h:34
Definition motion.h:30
Definition motion.h:32
Definition motion.h:29
Definition motion.h:20
Definition motion.h:22
Definition motion.h:21
Returned location of both the accelerometer and gyroscope in mm.
Definition motion.h:85
Returned motion sensor state.
Definition motion.h:62
Returned motion state.
Definition motion.h:41
uint64_t SceULong64
Definition types.h:54